Tuesday, April 30th was our last day of fieldwork at BDMS. It was a very busy day. Group 4 taught their cooperative learning lesson and introduced the celebration of learning activity. Each teacher candidate stood at the front of the class. We each had a certificate to congratulate each second grader on their learning individually. We called up each student to receive their certificate. The students were also given pencils, erasers, and stickers. We even presented Mr. Kimbark with a gift to thank him for allowing us to work with his class.The students were so happy and excited; it was clear they enjoyed the celebration and were proud of all the work they completed with us. The students reflected on the information we taught them, and my fellow teacher candidates and I reflected on our experience. We all agreed that this experience taught us mostly about time management and cooperative learning. This is the only methods class in which we are required to create and implement a cooperative learning lesson. Cooperative learning is a type of lesson that is not only beneficial to social studies lessons; it can be used for any subject. It is so important for students to learn how to work with peers in groups. I will remember PIGS throughout my teaching career as it is important for both teachers and students to understand and practice.
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