Tuesday, February 5, 2019

How We Learn

How do people learn? What is learning?

Image result for learning pyramid

Image result for structure of knowledge jerome bruner

Metacognition is thinking about thinking and thinking about learning as well as reflecting on it. Facts are fleeting. This blog is an example of metacognition. It is the highest level of thinking and sharing. 

Bloom's Taxonomy

Image result for bloom's taxonomy

We must teach to from the lowest level to the highest level. This diagram was created to help teachers.

Educational Philosophies:

Models, Strategies, and Methods:

Model- approaches to teaching (there are 4).
  • Behavioral Model: stimuli and response. Developing desired skills, knowledge and behaviors. It involves a lot of repetition. Teacher has authority. 
  • Information Processing: thinking and processing; explaining. To equip students with the skills of accessing, processing, organizing, and reflecting on information. 
  • Social-Interactive Model: students are interacting to develop their social skills and democratic values.
  • Personal Model: students are working independently to develop students' identity, self esteem.
Strategy: a set of steps in order to reflect a particular model.
  • Strategy for behavioral model is direct instruction.
  • Strategy for information processing is indirect/cognitive (inquiry). 
  • Strategy for social-interactive model is indirect/ interactive.
  • Strategy for personal mode is indirect/individual.
Methods: the way you deliver the strategy and model.
  • Behavioral: lectures, powerpoint presentation, demonstration. Anything controlled  by the teacher.
  • Information Processing: inquiry lesson. 
  • Social-interactive: cooperative learning.
  • Personal: independent projects.

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