Monday, January 28, 2019

Think, Pair, Square

Today was the first day of Social Studies methods. I was excited to see a lot of familiar faces in this class. Dr. Smirnova had us begin with a "think, pair, square" activity. We were asked to think of a childhood Social Studies teacher that was memorable to us because of their positive impact. I immediately thought of my sixth grade Social Studies teacher, Mr. Storm. Dr. Smirnova asked us what qualities a good Social Studies teacher should have. Thinking of Mr. Storm, I said that a good Social Studies teacher should have the ability to engage the class, simplify information, use visual aids, and use other various methods to make the material interesting for kids. Next, Dr. Smirnova asked us to share our thoughts in pairs. After speaking to one of my peers, we realized that the ability to engage students and keep their interest is crucial when teaching a subject that a lot of kids find to be boring. Next, Dr. Smirnova combined the pairs into groups of four and asked everyone to introduce their first partner to another pair of students. Once in a group of four, my three peers and I discussed similarities in our thoughts about good Social Studies teachers. This activity was fun because it was two-fold. It was a fun ice-breaking activity through which I was able to have a conversation with three of my peers and learn a little bit about them. The activity also got me thinking about what qualities my peers and I think a good Social Studies teacher will have and how we can express these qualities in our classrooms. The video that Dr. Smirnova asked us to watch stresses the importance of the use of technology in a digital and modern classroom. I remember watching this video last semester with Dr. Smirnova. The ways of teaching have changed and become more modern. 20th century students need digital aids to broaden their horizons and to learn and obtain new information. I am excited to learn how to use technology to teach Social Studies to my future students!

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